The Bible: Christ Centered
The Bible is still the #1 Best Selling book in the world, because it tells the greatest story ever told. Yet many people are intimidated by it because they feel it’s also inaccessible to them or is too hard to understand. In this series, we will give you the tools you need to unlock the mysteries of scripture and empower you to share it with others.
Today we discover that the ultimate purpose of Scripture (the Bible) is to reveal Jesus and what he has done for us (Christ-centered). From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is a witness to God’s saving activity as it is first promised to God’s Old Testament people Israel and then fulfilled in Jesus. The only way to understand and apply this purpose of Scripture is to understand that through faith in Jesus Christ we receive forgiveness and life, this requires properly distinguishing two very important, very different, and very distinct teachings found in God’s Word - Law and Gospel.